Where to Get Your Landing Page Roasted: The Top 5 Websites

Are you familiar with the frustrating experience of investing countless hours in designing a new landing page, only to hit a roadblock where you feel stuck and can’t identify what needs improvement? If so, rest assured that you’re not alone. Even the most experienced designers/developers encounter this challenge quite frequently.
At times, taking a few days off can help to gain a fresh perspective and judge your design with a ‘new’ pair of eyes, but it’s not always feasible to pause a design process multiple times, so in this article, we will talk about the importance of improving our landing pages by getting feedback from others and the best go-to places to receiving honest and constructive criticism.
The importance of landing page feedback
None of us likes being judged, especially when we’re emotionally attached to something we’ve poured our hearts and countless hours into creating. It’s totally understandable. But here’s the thing: criticism, especially constructive ones, can open our eyes to things we may have missed and take our product to a whole new level.
If you’re still not convinced about the importance of getting feedback, think about this: Sooner or later your potential customers will judge the quality of what you’ve created. Wouldn’t it be better to get feedback beforehand so you can showcase an even better version of your landing page? Just imagine how many more potential customers you could win over if you got the right feedback and improved the things that make them bounce.
Even small details, when promptly corrected, can make a huge difference in the success of your landing page.
Where can you get feedback on your landing page?
When it comes to receiving feedback on your landing page, the options are kinda limited. Here are the most common ones:
- Peers & Colleagues
- Friends
- Experts
All options have their pros and cons, but since we do not feel comfortable suggesting the first two (friends and relatives are not objective enough, while colleagues are emotionally biased like you), we’ll focus on getting feedback from experts, and specifically using a landing page roasting service.
What does a landing page roast mean and how it works?
A landing page roast is a term commonly used to describe the process of receiving ‘brutal’ yet honest feedback on a landing page. A roast can include feedback of any kind, with the ultimate goal of enhancing every aspect of a landing page, from its aesthetic to its messaging and content optimisation.
The tone of the feedback in a roast is generally ‘ironic’, focused on productive criticism (and never offensive), and aimed at taking action. For example, in a landing page roast, an expert might suggest changing the headline of your landing page because doesn’t reflect your product’s value proposition, or tweaking your pricing strategy as it looks unclear and confusing for users. In short, a well-executed roast should analyse every aspect of your page and advise changes that will make your overall message more persuasive.
When it comes to executing a roast, there are two types of roastings: the video roast and the text roast. Let’s see the differences:
- Video roast (the most common): Typically, it involves a recording of an expert analysing your landing page in real-time and providing feedback and suggestions on what areas need improvement. You can find an example of a video roast performed by Roast My Landing Page at this link.
- Text roast: A detailed report that the expert sends to the client after analysing their landing page. It includes various types of suggestions, generally categorised by topic.
We believe that there’s not much of a difference between the two types of roast, and both are absolutely useful if executed properly.
Is landing page roast helpful?
We would love to say yes, but as always in life, the answer is it depends! It depends on your goal and whether you have realistic expectations of what can be improved with the help of an expert.
Let’s give two examples:
- A roast could be helpful if you already have traction, but if you’re struggling to grow. Or perhaps your product provides absolute value to your users, but your landing page doesn’t reflect it. Or your landing page is performing well, but you believe there is room for improvement.
- On the contrary, a roast may be useless for you if the problem is the product itself (e.g., it doesn’t solve a problem for your customers, it’s buggy, unusable, etc.) or if there is no demand for what you’re selling. If these are the cases, no expert can help you sell something your customers don’t like or want.
How much does a landing page roast cost?
Landing page roast pricing varies between $60 and $350. The most popular services are more expensive, but they offer many exclusive features that might be worth checking out. It’s also important to consider that textual roasts tend to be cheaper than video audits because they require less effort than videos do.
Where to get your landing page roasted: The best websites
We’re finally ready to share our five favourite websites for getting your landing page roasted. Each of these sites has been carefully analysed by us so that you can make an informed decision before using any of these services. Important Note: We’re not affiliated with any of these websites, and we do not receive a commission if you decide to purchase a roast using one of the links in this article.
1. Roast My Landing Page
Roast My Landing Page is probably the longest-running service of its kind. Olly (the expert behind the site), made a name for himself by offering free landing page roasts on the popular platform Indie Hackers, before transforming this admirable endeavour into a business when he realised that there was a demand for what he was doing.
Roast My Landing Page review:
- Website link: https://www.roastmylandingpage.com/
- Service (overall): Roast My Landing Page’s service looks excellent. The landing page has plenty of examples of roasts previously carried out, the copy and benefits are crystal clear, and we think the price is correct, too.
- Type of roast: Roast My Landing Page offers a 15-minute, private video, packed with personalised, easy-to-implement advice on your landing page. The service is bookable in real-time from the website, and the deliverable is shipped to the client within 48 hours.
- Pricing: $350.00.
- Level of trust: Over 800 founders have used the service so far, and with all the positive reviews available online, we can definitely say that this roasting service is very trustworthy.
- Refund policy: Roast My Landing Page offers a 100% money-back guarantee if your conversion rate doesn’t increase after the video audit.
2. Roastd
- Website link: https://www.roastd.io/
- Service (overall): Roastd has a clean landing page. We appreciate that the page includes three thumbnails of what to expect from purchasing the service and also like that they include links to the landing pages of their happy customers so that you can see how these products have improved after purchasing the service.
- Type of roast: Roastd offers three tiers of roasts. The basic one includes Figma comments on your landing page for $139. The popular package offers Figma comments, plus Notion optimisation analysis for $159. The last and most expensive one includes Figma and Notion optimisation, plus a 10-minute video audit for $299.
- Pricing: From $139 to $299.
- Level of trust: After taking a look at all the positive testimonials displayed on the landing page, we can definitely say that the service is trustworthy.
- Refund policy: Roasts accepts refunds only in extreme circumstances, like a low conversion rate 90 days after purchasing the service.
3. MakerBox Roasting
- Website link: https://www.makerbox.club/roasting
- Service (overall): MakerBox Roasting is a service created by MakerBox, a product that creates marketing guides, courses, and templates for solopreneurs. All products on this site look great and also brag a considerable following of thousands of makers from around the world.
- Type of roast: MakerBox Roasting offers two different roasts, each with a distinct price tag. The first, Landing Roasting, includes a 20-minute personalised video review for $149. The second, Landing Roasting + Marketing Audit, contains a personalised video review, an analysis of your marketing strategy and an action plan for $299.
- Pricing: From $149 to $299.
- Level of trust: Based on the positive feedback received on their landing page, we feel that this service is worth it.
- Refund policy: The company seems to offer a 100% money-back guarantee only on its most expensive plan, but no information is provided about how the refund policy works.
4. Roasti
- Website link: https://roasti.co/
- Service (overall): Roasti is part of Designfly, an unlimited design subscription service for entrepreneurs. Since the principal product is related to product design, we think that the roasting service might be too providing suggestions on how to improve the look and feel of your landing page.
- Type of roast: The service offers two types of roasts: For Comment, priced at 2.99 for each comment, and Comments + Video, which includes 2-minute user-test video and 10 comments.
- Pricing: From $2.99 to $60
- Level of trust: The service seems quite recent, so despite the landing page showing some comments from happy customers, we can’t tell exactly how much people appreciate the roasts.
- Refund policy: Refunds are available only if the team has not started working on the roast yet. Based on that, it won’t take into account the client’s level of satisfaction.
5. Indie Hackers
- Website link: https://www.indiehackers.com/group/landing-page-feedback
- Service (overall): Unlike the other products we’ve reviewed previously, Indie Hackers is not a roasting service but a community of makers who help each other grow their online businesses. Within the forum (which includes various sections organised by topic), there’s a landing page feedback group where you can post your landing page and receive feedback from other users in the community.
- Type of roast: To get roasted, just submit your product to the group and other users will comment with suggestions on how to improve your landing page (here is an example).
- Pricing: Free.
- Level of trust: The level of users on IndieHackers is generally high, so you can be pretty confident in their feedback.
- Refund policy: No refunds are provided since the service is free of charge.
Conclusions & Final Suggestions
Here we are at the end of this article. We hope we have given you enough information to help you decide if a landing page roast is right for you and which option among the services we have listed can meet your specific requirements. We won’t be ranking our favourite roasting websites because, in our opinion, they are all excellent services. However, we suggest trying a free option like Indie Hackers if you’re starting and need a few pointers to keep moving forward. If you have a more established business and require specific or professional suggestions for improving your landing page, you might consider trying a text roast or a video audit. In any case, you can always benefit from high-quality inspiration. So, if you’re creating or optimising your landing page, don’t forget to check out our gallery of the best landing page examples created by top SaaS companies.